One of my high school classes I'm in the middle just to the left of the clock holding a kid in a headlock. |
It seems that we're all the sum of all the little things that
we do; this obviously goes beyond the workplace.
For those, like myself, who possess evolving interests the drudgery of working merely for financial gain is insufficient. My obsession with pursuing personal fulfillment and not following the herd has been a long running one.
Obviously, there's no perfect place or situation; however, the challenge of making a path where none exists is somehow invigorating. The old adage seek and you shall find seems to apply. My advice to anyone going their own way would be carry out your mission, maintain your principles, and never give up; it's only over when you stop trying.
For those, like myself, who possess evolving interests the drudgery of working merely for financial gain is insufficient. My obsession with pursuing personal fulfillment and not following the herd has been a long running one.
Obviously, there's no perfect place or situation; however, the challenge of making a path where none exists is somehow invigorating. The old adage seek and you shall find seems to apply. My advice to anyone going their own way would be carry out your mission, maintain your principles, and never give up; it's only over when you stop trying.
days, whenever someone
asks me what I do for a living I say that I'm a football coach; no benefits,
no stability, and no promises for the future. As long as I can continue to grow and balance coaching football with the other elements of my life I'll
continue. Despite living in a place where football barely shows up on the
radar, I consider it an honor to be able to force kids to run up mountains.
For the details of what its like to manage a busy schedule teaching at
multiple schools and coaching high school football in Japan click below and read "Life in the Pony Express" (For my background in English scroll down)
2004 - 2005 進徳女子高等学校 英語科教師
2005 - 2007 .....株式会社 インタラック ALT(外国語指導助手) 府中緑ヶ丘中学校・府中中 学 校 / 府中中央小学校 / 府中南小学校 / 府中北小学校 / 府中東小学校 / 府中小学校
2007 - 2009 広島県立総合技術高等学校 ALT (外国語指導助手)/ 英語科教師
2005 - 2010 広島城北高等学校 アメリカンフットボール部コーチ
2009 - 2010 田布施中学校 ALT (外国語指導助手)/ 英語科教師
2010 - 2016 崇徳中学校 高等学校 アメリカンフットボール部コーチ
2011 - 2018 広島修道大学付属鈴峯女子高等学校・中学校 英語科教師
2009 - 2010 田布施中学校 ALT (外国語指導助手)/ 英語科教師
2010 - 2016 崇徳中学校 高等学校 アメリカンフットボール部コーチ
2011 - 2018 広島修道大学付属鈴峯女子高等学校・中学校 英語科教師
アーロンの英語科教師 Blog:
広島城北高等学校長 福原 紘治郎
(記載者 教諭 竹下 徹也)
Aaron.A.Billups(アーロン・エー・ビルアップス)さんは,1964年1月8日アメリカ・フィラデルフィアに生まれ,少年期にアメリカンフットボールと出会い,Hampton University でマスメディアコミュニケーションを専攻する傍らでプレーを続け,卒業後はプロフットボール Mason-Dixon Football League(日本のプロ野球における四国・九州アイランドリーグなどの独立リーグに相当)で5年間プレーした。そのうちの3年間はキャプテンとチームマネージングを兼務し,1993年にはリーグ優勝に導くなど華々しい戦績を残して現役を引退する。その後,マスメディア関係の仕事に就きながらボスニア難民の人々へボランティアで英語を教えていく中で,英語教育に目覚め2002年に単身で来日する。
その後,英会話講師の仕事に携わりながら,2005年に本校アメリカンフットボール部のコーチに就任し,2007年からはヘッドコーチとして,彼の座右の銘である”Football is Life”(普段の生活はフットボールに集約される)の言葉のもと,自分の信念に基づいて指導にあたった。ボランティアでありながらも,請け負った以上はコーチとしての責任感で,子ども達が安全に満足のいくフットボールの活動ができるよう心掛けるとともに,フットボール選手としての育成だけを目的とせず,子ども達のこの先の人生において,フットボールを通じて得た経験が役に立ってくれることを望み,健全な人間的成長を目的とした指導も心掛けていた。彼の指導は,子ども達にフットボールの楽しさを知ってもらうことを根底におき,本場アメリカのプロフットボールで培った豊富な知識と経験をもとに,体力トレーニングから基本スキルの習得を段階的に織り交ぜながら系統立てられたものであり,器材や部員数が揃わない練習環境の中でも,常に生徒が満足し納得できる方法を模索していった。そのコーチングプログラムを年間の試合スケジュールの中に組み込み,実戦経験を通じてモチベーションの維持を図りながら子ども達自身に成長を感じさせるものであり,選手不足のチーム状況においても,ゲームに対応できるよう全ての選手が様々なポジションをこなせるようなシステムを構築した。
拝啓 早春の候、御校ますますご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。本日は当校アメリカンフットボール部コーチを務めて頂きましたアーロン・ビラップス氏をご紹介させて頂く為、失礼は重々承知いたしておりますが、本人のたっての希望もあり筆を取らせて頂きました。
拝啓 早春の候、御校ますますご清祥のこととお慶び申し上げます。本日は当校アメリカンフットボール部コーチを務めて頂きましたアーロン・ビラップス氏をご紹介させて頂く為、失礼は重々承知いたしておりますが、本人のたっての希望もあり筆を取らせて頂きました。
梅田 容嗣
梅田 容嗣
United States
1982 - 1987 Hampton University ハンプトン大学 バージニア州 米国 マスメディアコミュニケーション専攻学士号
............... ...↓
1994 - 1996 WSB Radio Group ジョージア州 マネージャー
1997 - 1999 Butler Motorsports ジョージア州 営業
1999 - 2002 REMSA, Inc. バージニア州 地域 マーケティングマネージャー
Formal Education
Bachelor of arts - Mass Media Communications – 1987
Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia USA
Post Graduate work: Marketing & Economics
Highlights of Experience
Coach (American Football)
2010 - 2016 Sotoku High School - (Hiroshima) Trained and advised young athletes on the football team. Sotoku is locally considered a "sports oriented" school where the students are admitted to college in part due to their athletic skills. My objective was to teach life transferable lessons while improving the player's skills and understanding of the sport. My methodology was to practice, train, and on occasion, compete alongside them to help them understand and enjoy the sport. Sotoku is isolated from the majority of the other high school football programs in Japan. For details see blog links: .Football in Japan... , Still in the game...
English Teacher / Curriculum Development (contractor)
2004 - Present Suzugamine Girls School / Sakuragaoka High School / Sogogijutsu High School / Shintoku High School / Fuchu-cho Board of Education - (Hiroshima), Tabuse Board of Education - (Yamaguchi)
Developed and administered student centered English curriculum for high school (O.C. - 1, Business English, English Immersion), junior high (ALT, Curriculum Modification), and elementary school levels (Solo Interactive Curriculum). Produced testing materials at the junior and senior high school levels. Developed and administered Business English curriculum for both practical and technical applications. My teaching methodology is interactive. Some former business clients (links): JSW Steel, TTI Japan. For more about my teaching experience see blog links: .Life in the Pony Express... , .A day in the saddle... , .Easy to understand English...
Coach (American Football)
2005 - 2010 Johoku Gakuen - (Hiroshima) Taught football and life transferable skills utilizing discipline, rigorous training, and competitive adversity. Designed and administered a teaching and training regimen to specifically suit the academic environment at this particular school. Johoku is isolated from the majority of the other high school football programs in Japan. The team was comprised of first and second year high school students. All objectives were achieved without school funding. For details see blog links: .Football in Japan... , Still in the game... , The hardest working boys in Western Japan... , .The first scrimmage... , .A kick in the pants... , .Gambling to survive...
English Instructor
2002 - 2004 AEON Corporation - (Hiroshima) Taught conversational English and grammar to Japanese students of assorted backgrounds. Developed and administered Business English curriculum. Taught English conversation and TOEIC classes. Web: .
United States
Volunteer Refugee English & Cultural Acclimation Skills Program
2001 - 2002 Catholic Diocese of Richmond - (Hampton, Virginia) Assisted Bosnian refugees with English language skills, job placement, and general adaptation to living in the United States. Web:
Southeast Region Marketing Manager
1999 - 2002 REMSA, Incorporated - (Newport News, Virginia) Marketed and promoted REMSA's technical & professional staffing services to federal, municipal, and commercial clients in the eastern region of the United States. Generated new business and established ongoing contacts at the federal, state, and municipal levels. Repositioned the company with its new status as a competitor in the private and municipal sectors. Synthesized REMSA's image and marketing. *Please note - I wasn't involved in designing the current REMSA web page. Web:
Historic Pirate Reenactor
1999 - 2002 Crew member / Gunner / Pirate Reenactor - (Hampton, VA & Beaufort, NC) Performed authentic historic reenactments, usually the manning and firing of shipboard cannon and going aloft at historically themed tall Ship festivals. Activities were performed while ships were underway which necessitated ongoing training in seamanship. Events were held in the mid Atlantic coastal region of the United States. Specialized in early 18th century piracy, in particular the pirate Caesar (birth date unknown - 1719), one of the notorious Black Beard's (aka Edward Teach, 1680 - 1718) crew members. Trained as crew member aboard Captain Horatio Sinbad's Meka II, a period two masted Brigantine class ship based in Beaufort, North Carolina. Web: Trained in the fine old art of period gunnery (mounted swivel guns, flintlock pistols, and cannon). Web:, Blog link: Piracy 2.0...
New Business Development / Regional Wholesale / Sales - Marketing
1997 - 1999 Butler Motorsports - (Atlanta, Georgia) Developed and managed wholesale accounts, retail sales, enhanced and promoted Butler Motorsports (high end, aftermarket performance division) concept. During first year generated over $450,000 in new wholesale revenue (previously non-existent category). Instrumental in turning a previously under performing Atlanta area business into a profitable establishment. This was achieved by integrating myself into local auto dealership's daily business processes; as a result I was able to generate non-traditional revenue during what had historically been seasonal lulls. Instrumental in multiplying the profitability of the business by establishing and maintaining wholesale partnerships with regional automotive aftermarket performance merchants to re-sell our authorized products (Claus Ettensberger, Pirelli, TSW, Enkei, HKS) and services. Web:, Blog link: .Life in the pits...
Account Executive - Media Consultant.
1994 - 1996 WSB Radio Group - (Atlanta, Georgia) Developed over $500,000 in new business revenue for Sports Talk 680 “The Fan” and News Talk 750 WSB AM. Established and maintained new business starting from zero (no billing clients). Assembled and executed strategic marketing campaigns for regional and national clients utilizing WSB’s resources (News Talk 750 WSB AM, Sports Talk 680 The Fan, Atlanta Braves Baseball, Atlanta Falcons Football, University of Georgia Football ). Responsible for creative aspect of radio copy for direct billing clientele. Negotiated with ad agencies. Held highest AUR (average unit rate) on AM sales staff in 1996. Center for Sales Strategy seminar (CSS) attendee and graduate. Web:,, Blog link: Trading paint...
1990 - 1992 Peninsula Poseidons - (Newport News, Virginia) Presided over the AFA's (American Football Association) second ranked (1992) football organization. Attended MDFL (Mason-Dixon Football League) organizational meetings and functions. Participated in promotional and civic events to promote and integrate the football organization into the community. Recruited key personnel for a 10-man coaching staff and a 55-man football roster. Negotiated with regional US military installations for games held on military facilities. Handled public relations as team spokesman to the media and at civic events. Starter as player (Defensive Back) from 1991-1993. Team Captain 1991 and 1992. MDFL All-League team DB 1990, 1991,1992. For details scroll down to articles: We all had two lives... , Business as usual... Blog link: The Poseidon Adventure...
For a satirical summary of my experiences & observations
click the link below
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The running man...
Assorted tales, observations & ramblings
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The running man...
Assorted tales, observations & ramblings